Ever wish you could turn back time?

Bivouac’s top 5 fave dishes are making a comeback!


We’re celebrating Fringeworld 2020 by bringing back our **ALL STARS**.

Bivouac Fringe favourites we know you love!



Available only during Fringe

Fri 17 Jan - Sun 16 Feb

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Each week a different ALL STARS dish will be available. 

Get your mouth around these beauties before you see a show.


Grilled halloumi, compressed watermelon, radicchio, queen olive, barberries, pine nuts, verjus & za’atar dressing (from 17 Jan)

Gingin goat chops, mechoui spice rub, kasundi, pine nut & citrus gremolata (from 24 Jan)

Pan-fried gnocchi, roasted beetroot, goats curd, cinnamon & burnt orange, candied walnut, mint, vincotto (from 31 Jan)

Slaughtermans gnocchi, ox tail ragu ricotta, pecorino (from 7 Feb)

Scorched corn and manchego croquettes, green tabasco aioli (from 14 Feb)

Meet your friends and then head off to a Fringe show!
Each dish available until sold out.